Company Description
Poison Control from Salt Lake City, UT. Company specialized in: Emergency & Disaster Assistance.
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Tomi T.
on Facebook
01 Aug 2016
Hi neighbors! Do you have any recommendations for great pediatricians in the area?
Dorothea H.
on Facebook
20 Nov 2015
Does anyone know how to make a dog vomit? I was reading hydrogen peroxide.
Neika R.
on Facebook
25 Jul 2015
Does anyone know where I can get those green poison yucky stickers locally? Or do they even make those anymore?
Emily M.
on Facebook
24 Jan 2015
Does anyone know where to get Mr. Yuk stickers in person? I need them by 1/30 and the only way I've found is to send a self-addressed envelope to a hospital in Pittsburgh. Thank you!!
Talathia B.
on Facebook
11 Sep 2014
ok, I swear, someone posted here recently about a child that was having problems breathing (It may have been in another group) and in the comments someone posted the nurses line # for CHOA...I just want to double check that it's 404-250-KIDS (5437) since I realized that it may be smart to put in my phone. Does anyone know for sure that that # is correct? Also, are there any other #'s that you'd recommend putting in your phone if you have a young child (first time mom here -- can you tell?)
Chelle L.
on Facebook
31 May 2014
Anyone know the name of the block poison that Cooks Pest Control use in their traps? This is urgent please. It's a blue green color
Michelle C.
on Facebook
11 Oct 2013
Does anyone happen to know the side effects if a 2yr old eats A&D diaper rash cream?
Lacey R.
on Facebook
13 Sep 2013
Mommy help needed: Arn is seriously colicky. We have tried gripe water, colic massage, chiropractic adjustment, sleeping upright, tummy time, and baths. I don't eat cows dairy and only small amounts of wheat. Any other NATURAL (aka no doctors or prescribed medications) suggestions?? Today we haven't had a poop since about 8/9 am and haven't slept longer than 30 minutes (even in my arms) without waking up screaming.
Bitchin' P.
on Facebook
10 Sep 2013
Fq Please post!
I went looking for my daughter and found her in the bathroom eating soap. Shes 8months. Will she be okay? ?
Rp by #Lilly
Paramedic T.
on Facebook
07 Jul 2013
I've been looking for a reference on toxic and fatal levels of over the counter medications. Does anyone have a line on a solid tool or site to go to? For example in Aspirin 150 mg/Kg is serious and potentially fatal in some reference materials. Had a number of overdoses lately and are all over the counter meds. Having a tool would surely be great!
*******To all you smart app builder type folks, please build us an app for this********

Poison Control
585 S Komas Dr Salt Lake City, UT
(800) 222-1222